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24x24 Png Icon Free Download

Love Free Icons? Here are icon sets that you can freely use in your projects. They are licensed under the Axialis Free Icon License. Short version of this license is:

  • You can: use the icons in all projects, including commercial ones.
  • You must: give credits and add a link to us: "Icons by Axialis" by adding the html code below:
    <a href="">Icons</a> by <a href="">Axialis</a>
  • Do Not: link directly to the icon package files from your website, link to this page.
  • Icons made by independent authors may have different licenses (see descriptions).
  • Please: Post about our free icons on social media sites:

    Share on Twitter

  • 64 unique icons, 76 overlays
  • SVG, XAML, PDF, EPS, PS vector formats
  • AI with Adjustable Line Stroke
  • PNG, BMP, JPG, ICO, ICNS bitmap formats at any sizes
  • Axialis Free License

Version 2.1 - June 19, 2017

Download Free Icon Set

64 icons - 18.7 Mb
Contains IconGenerator Free

All Axialis Flat Pro 2017 Icons


This set is part of the Axialis Flat Pro 2017 icon family. This icon family, which is compatible with Axialis IconGenerator, was designed for use in ribbons & menus of Windows applications. The style, which is flat, colorful and professional-looking, is compatible with Office 2016 and Windows 8/10.

With this FREE SET you'll be able to create buttons to SOCIAL MEDIA sites. With this license, you can freely create icons in all sizes and formats.

Using Axialis IconGenerator, icons can be colorized in monochrome to match a specific usinr interface:

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, suggest them.

The Social Media icon set contains 64 unique icons and 76 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels:

  • 64 unique icons, 81 overlays
  • SVG, XAML, PDF, EPS, PS vector formats
  • AI with Adjustable Line Stroke
  • PNG, BMP, JPG, ICO, ICNS bitmap formats at any sizes
  • Axialis Free License

Version 1.1 - June 6, 2017

Download Free Icon Set

64 icons - 18.2 Mb
Contains IconGenerator Free

All Axialis Line Design Icons


This set is part of the Axialis Line Design icon family. Compatible with Axialis IconGenerator, this icon family was designed for use in web sites & applications. The style is lined & slightly rounded which lets you create modern user interfaces.

With this FREE SET you'll be able to create buttons to SOCIAL MEDIA sites. With this license, you can freely create icons in all sizes and formats. Icons are provided in 2 versions: circle and simple:

Using Axialis IconGenerator, icons can be colorized to match brand color:

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, suggest them.

The Social Media icon set contains 64 unique icons and 81 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels:

  • 64 unique icons, 79 overlays
  • AI, SVG, XAML, PDF, EPS, PS vector formats
  • PNG, BMP, JPG, ICO, ICNS bitmap formats at any sizes
  • Axialis Free License

Version 1.1 - May 5, 2017

Download Free Icon Set

64 icons - 14.0 Mb
Contains IconGenerator Free

All Axialis Flat Design Icons


This set is part of the Axialis Flat Design icon family. Compatible with Axialis IconGenerator, this icon family was designed for use in web sites & applications. The style is flat, colorful & slightly rounded which lets you create modern & friendly user interfaces.

It covers all your needs to illustrate SOCIAL MEDIA functions. It contains button of the 64 major social media sites, each one containing the main color of the original logo.

To let you cover all your needs, Axialis IconGenerator is provided in the icon set. This free application lets you generate all files formats, customize with overlays and colorize icons. If you need specific additional icons, suggest them.

The Social Media icon set contains 64 unique icons and 79 overlays. This lets you create thousands of different icons for your all your needs. Below is a preview of the base icons without derivations Click here to see the full set at scale 4:1 with icon labels (quality has been altered and red lines have been added for copy protection reasons):

St Valentine's Icons by The Gallery Of Eve - 66 Icons

St Valentine's Icons by The Gallery Of Eve

This set was designed by The Gallery Of Eve for St Valentine's Day. The style is themed in a red/pink palette & slightly rounded which lets you create modern & friendly user interfaces.

66 icons are provided in 5 sizes 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 256x256 which make them suitable for use in websites and applications. 7 overlay icons are also provided to let you make your own derivatives using IconWorkshop

Vector icons (AI, SVG, EPS, PDF) are available for purchase, please contact The Gallery Of Eve (See ReadMe.txt)

Colored Square Buttons - 4 x 205 Icons

Click to view the whole set

Click to view the whole setThe set has been designed to illustrate websites, blogs or applications. The icons are provided in 4 sizes 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48 which make them suitable for integration in websites or toolbars. The set contains 205 different icons in intense red gradient. Other colors are available, see below.

You can create new icons of the same style or at larger sizes using our professional icon authoring tool IconWorkshop and the Web Illustrations object pack.

Click to DownloadPNG (1.0 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.8 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (1.0 Mb)

Click to view the whole set

Blue Edition

Click to DownloadPNG (1.1 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.9 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (1.1 Mb)

Click to view the whole set

Cyan Edition

Click to DownloadPNG (1.1 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.9 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (1.1 Mb)

Click to view the whole set

Green Edition

Click to DownloadPNG (1.0 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.8 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (1.0 Mb)

Click to view the whole set

Magenta Edition

Click to DownloadPNG (1.1 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.9 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (1.1 Mb)

Click to view the whole set

Brown Edition

Click to DownloadPNG (1.1 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.9 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (1.1 Mb)

Click to view the whole set

Black Edition

Click to DownloadPNG (0.9 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.6 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (0.8 Mb)

Red Orb - 2 x 205 Icons

Click to view the whole set

Click to view the whole setThe set has been designed to illustrate websites, blogs or applications. The icons are provided in 2 sizes 32x32 and 48x48 which make them suitable for integration in websites or large toolbars. The set contains 205 different circle icons in a red glossy circle with a white border and a light outer shadow.

You can create new icons of the same style or at larger sizes using our professional icon authoring tool IconWorkshop and the Web Illustrations object pack.

Click to DownloadPNG (1.4 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.7 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (1.3 Mb)

Light Grey Square - 4 x 205 Icons

Click to view the whole set

Click to view the whole setThe set has been designed to illustrate websites, blogs or applications. The icons are provided in 4 sizes 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48 which make them suitable for integration in websites or toolbars. The set contains 205 different square icons in light grey gradient with a gentle glossy aspect.

You can create new icons of the same style or at larger sizes using our professional icon authoring tool IconWorkshop and the Web Illustrations object pack.

Click to DownloadPNG (1.2 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.8 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (1.1 Mb)

Light Grey Rounded Square - 4 x 205 Icons

Click to view the whole set

Click to view the whole setThe set has been designed to illustrate websites, blogs or applications. The icons are provided in 4 sizes 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48 which make them suitable for integration in websites or toolbars. The set contains 205 different rounded icons in light grey gradient.

You can create new icons of the same style or at larger sizes using our professional icon authoring tool IconWorkshop and the Web Illustrations object pack.

Click to DownloadPNG (1.0 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.7 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (0.8 Mb)

Light Grey Orb - 4 x 205 Icons

Click to view the whole set

Click to view the whole setThe set has been designed to illustrate websites, blogs or applications. The icons are provided in 4 sizes 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48 which make them suitable for integration in websites or toolbars. The set contains 205 different orb icons in light grey gradient with light reflexion producing a glossy aspect.

You can create new icons of the same style or at larger sizes using our professional icon authoring tool IconWorkshop and the Web Illustrations object pack.

Click to DownloadPNG (1.9 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (1.0 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (1.8 Mb)

Web 2.0 Blue Gradient - 4 x 205 Icons

Click to view the whole set

Click to view the whole setThe set has been designed to illustrate websites, blogs or applications. The icons are provided in 4 sizes 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48 which make them suitable for integration in websites or toolbars. The set contains 205 different rounded icons in web 2.0 blue gradient.

You can create new icons of the same style or at larger sizes using our professional icon authoring tool IconWorkshop and the Web Illustrations object pack.

Click to DownloadPNG (1.2 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (1.0 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (1.1 Mb)

Web 2.0 Buttons - Rounded - 4 x 205 Icons

Click to view the whole set

Click to view the whole setThe set has been designed to illustrate web 2.0 sites, blogs or applications. The icons are provided in 4 sizes 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48 which make them suitable for integration in websites or toolbars. The set contains 205 different icons in web 2.0 regular green. Other web 2.0 colors are available, see below.

You can create new icons of the same style or at larger sizes using our professional icon authoring tool IconWorkshop and the Web Illustrations object pack.

Click to DownloadPNG (0.9 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.6 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (0.6 Mb)

Click to view the whole set

Orange Edition

Click to DownloadPNG (0.9 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.6 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (0.6 Mb)

Click to view the whole set

Blue Edition

Click to DownloadPNG (0.9 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.6 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (0.6 Mb)

Click to view the whole set

Red Edition

Click to DownloadPNG (0.9 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.6 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (0.6 Mb)

Click to view the whole set

Pink version

Click to DownloadPNG (0.9 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.6 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (0.6 Mb)

Click to view the whole set

Grey version

Click to DownloadPNG (0.9 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.6 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (0.6 Mb)

Web Mini - 237 Icons

Click to view the whole set

Click to view the whole setThe Web Mini icon set has been designed to illustrate web sites, blogs or web-oriented applications. The size of the icons is 16x16 which make them suitable for small toolbars. This small size permits also an easy integration in websites, blogs or forums.

This set, which contains 237 icons, is part 1 of a larger set. Next parts will be released soon. In the meantime, you can create icons of the same style using IconWorkshop and Quick Toolbars object pack.

Click to DownloadPNG (0.2 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.2 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (0.2 Mb)

Web 2.0 Basic - 516 Icons

Click to view the whole set

Click to view the whole setThe Web 2.0 Basic icon set has been designed to illustrate application toolbars. The size of the icons is 32x32 which make them suitable for use in applications. The icons are provided in Web 2.0 Green, Orange and Blue. Using IconWorkshop and following this tutorial, you can easily create other colors.

This set contains a total of 516 icons (172 icons in each color Green, Orange and Blue).

Click to DownloadPNG (0.7 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.5 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (0.7 Mb)

Web 2.0 Basic Mini - 516 Icons

Click to view the whole set

Click to view the whole setThe Web 2.0 Basic Mini has been designed to illustrate Web 2.0 blogs or website. The set is identical to Web 2.0 Basic but in size 16x16 which make the icons suitable for use in web pages. Using IconWorkshop and following this tutorial, you can easily create other colors.

This set contains a total of 516 icons (172 icons in each color Green, Orange and Blue).

Click to DownloadPNG (0.3 Mb)Click to DownloadGIF (0.5 Mb)Click to DownloadICO (0.3 Mb)


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